Member News

AZ Yes on 32 Contributor Admits to Laundering Koch Cash

 An Arizona-based "non-profit" that made a secret $11 million contribution to a Yes on Prop 32 committee has admitted to acting as an intermediary for a group connected to super rich oil magnates the Koch brothers. According to the Fair Political Practices Committee, it's the largest case of campaign money laundering in California...

 An Arizona-based "non-profit" that made a secret $11 million contribution to a Yes on Prop 32 committee has admitted to acting as an intermediary for a group connected to super rich oil magnates the Koch brothers. According to the Fair Political Practices Committee, it's the largest case of campaign money laundering in California history. 



Anti-FF Councilman DeMaio Loses San Diego Mayor Bi...
AZ Yes on 32 Contributor Admits to Laundering Koch...