By Todd Lando on Sunday, 09 April 2017
Category: Member News

Local 1775 to Host IAFF PFT - Peer Fitness Trainer April 10-14

You are employed in one of the most dangerous and physically demanding professions. To help improve the safety, performance and quality of life of uniformed personnel in the fire service, the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and American Council on Exercise (ACE) developed the Peer Fitness Trainer (PFT) Certification.

Throughout the United States and Canada, the PFT Certification identifies fire fighters who have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to design and implement fitness programs, improve the wellness and fitness of their departments and assist with the physical training of recruits during challenging entry tests. The role of a Peer Fitness Trainer differs from a Personal Trainer since fire service personnel have very specific needs and an extreme work environment well beyond what the average exerciser will ever face.

April 10-14, 2017, Marin Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 1775, will host a Peer Fitness Trainer with attendees from nearly every fire agency in Marin.  This program is part of L1775 Wellness Initiative, and this training represents our largest group effort to-date as a Union to push the Wellness Initiative forward.  The Fitness portion of the Wellness Initiative goes hand-in-hand with the Peer Support Training already underway with our members.

Local 1775's Peer Fitness Trainers are there to: 

The two fundamental missions of PFT Program are: 

IAFF and ACE (American Council on Exercise) collaborated to create PFT Program.  ACE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the benefits of physical activity and protecting consumers against unsafe and ineffective fitness products and instruction.

ACE and the IAFF share the goal of increasing the health and wellness of children across the U.S. and Canada. Certified PFTs will lead FireFitKids, an IAFF program designed for high school-aged children that teaches the benefits of participating in a consistent exercise program. Operation FitKids, a program supported by ACE, brings fitness facilities to financially needy schools and community centers through the donation of recycled commercial fitness equipment. Using fire fighters as role models, the IAFF will provide community outreach at Operation FitKids facilities while introducing teenagers to the fire service and the need for wellness.

Marin Professional Firefighters Peer Fitness Trainer Program
April 10-14
Southern Marin Fire, Station 9

For more information contact Sid Jamotte (Ross Valley Fire Department)

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